Tuesday, February 8, 2011

NBHAAD 2011 (event recap)

Yesterday was National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD)!

National Black Hiv/Aids Awareness Day is a national HIV testing and treatment community mobilization initiative designed to increase the awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment among Blacks in the United States and Diaspora.

The movement has four main objectives that it hopes to realize within Black communities:

Education: To distribute information about HIV/AIDS locally.

Testing: Establish February 7 as an annual day to get an HIV test.

Involvement: Increase the number of Blacks involved locally.

Treatment: For those newly testing HIV+ and those coming to terms with their status, get them aware of treatment services and information.

Did You Know…?

  • · Blacks represent approximately 13% of the United States population, but almost half of the AIDS cases.
  • · The AIDS diagnosis rate per 100,000 among Black adults/adolescents was 9 times that of whites in 2008.
  • · The AIDS diagnosis rate for Black men (85.5) was the highest of any group, followed by Black women (39.9).
  • · In 2006, Black men and Black women had the highest HIV death rates per 100,000 people ages 25–44.
  • · HIV was the 4th leading cause of death for Black men and 3rd for Black women, ages 25–44, in 2006

As a Red Pump Ambassador for Dallas, TX, it was my distinct pleasure to hostess a NBHAAD event in my area!

I was blessed to have the support of:

Lamman Rucker, Thomas Mikal Ford, DJ Frances Jaye, DJ Jay Clipp and Michelle Anderson!

We all got together to host a NBHAAD event that involved my favorite things Black People, music and AWARENESS!

The event was held at Kush Mediterranean Grill + Hookah Bar in Dallas from 8pm-12am.

The Red Pump Project and AIDS Arms Inc were on hand providing information, protection and testing for the over 75 people that came by recognize NBHAAD!

Lamman Rucker, Michelle Anderson and myself tooks turns on the mic to speak to the crowd about the importance of knowing your status and being in control of your life!

Local artist Jurni Rayne was also in the building and graced us with an unplugged rendition of her HIV/AIDS Anthem!

It was a GREAT time and over 40 people got tested!

Don't believe me? See for yourself!

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