I had to share this with the eFam..cuz you can't make this shit up! I was at HOOTER's w/ my family for Father's Day...drinking, laughing, cussing, ragging on my dad for eyehustling EVERY chick that walked by even though his girlfriend was sitting right next to him...you know, the usual...when I noticed my son, MC (MC = ManCub for all you non-Twitter folks), was being extra quiet whenever out waitress, Lindsay, came around...things that make you say hmmm?
so I asked, "Punkin, what's wrong?"
MC "nothing mommy, I just like looking at the lady"
Lindsay, had been giving MC extra attention because she was impressed with how smart he was & "mature" his ability to order for himself, etc. She was hugging and "loving" on him due to his super cute-ness...
Dinner winds down, MC asks Lindsay to come here cuz he has a present for her...I'm thinking he drew he something with the crayons from the kiddie menu, how sweet right?
NOPE! Look at the paper closely!
My 5 yr old son has just given this woman his name and "number" on a napkin! *DEAD*
Oddly enough, I was massively proud of him...I had just witnessed a major milestone in male development...My son'd first holla! Now, I won't lie...I laughed my ass off! My whole family was CTFU and started singing..."He get it from his mama*!!"
Kids do the darnedest things, no? What are some crazy things the kids in your life have done/said?
*I don't holla at dudes, cuz I'm a laaaaady & shit, but I am a flirt and so is his dad...the boy has holla in his DNA...poor thing...